keynote speaking engagements

We'll help you make your event keynote worthy.

Our keynote presentations follow the underlying themes of unlocking human potential, inspiring others to become their best, living on purpose, and reaching total fulfillment.

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Interactive and engaging keynote speaking engagemens

As a leadership keynote speaker hired by hundreds of companies all over the world, CEO and change maker, Chad Sanschagrin has motivated and inspired audiences of thousands to improve their lives and create a path to fulfillment through speaking engagements. Authentic and engaging, keynote presentations are customized to resonate with the intended audiences and weave in company themes as requested.

Recognizing your Cannonball Moment

Understanding the moment when your purpose meets a new path and inspires changes in all aspects of your life - that is the Cannonball Moment, which can define the path forward. This is how to recognize the moment and harness the power.

Creating a culture of growth, fulfillment, and profit

Focusing on a culture that fosters success, this presentation offers actionable ways to create a company culture that empowers individuals and teams to reach optimal performance.

Empowing your people

While leading, delegating, and empowering are key responsibilities of a great leadership team, the road to get there is not necessary paved and straight. This presentation offers a roadmap to achieving these goals.

Let's dive in

Whether you want to consider working with us for leadership or sales training, are considering us for a speaking engagement or keynote presentation, or just want to talk about how to find those cannonball moments, reach out to us here…and let’s get that ball rolling.

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